Why I won't use Windows!

For my first post, I wanted to do what I do best and do most often, Bad mouth Microsoft Windows. I’m a Linux guy and I use Linux Mint extensively but I used to use Microsoft Windows for everything until I realized that I was stupid doing so I stopped. Why did I stop? I stopped because I hate Windows update. I don’t mind updating my computer, but when I take time to update I expect it to work especially from a product designed by Microsoft who is supposed to be one of the best computer operating system designer on the earth. Well everytime I update it either wouldn’t finish or even work but would come back saying to retry later. I can forgive it a few times but when thousands of thieves are scouring the internet thinking of ways to steal my money, I kinda don’t want to wait too long before I can update my computer to prevent myself and the longer I wait I just feel like I’m left vulnerable and “at risk”. I feel Microsoft should take better responsibility at helping me stay secure before I trust their operating system to house my precious information.

Theirs tons for reasons why I won’t use them but Trust is the main one but the second reason is that I hate Bill Gates and his scheme to get everyone vaccinated. I could go on and on but that’s the jest of it. I’ll be sharing more of my hatred of Microsoft in future post.

Written on December 13, 2021