Deciding to make my own game!

For my next post, I want to announce my decision to make my first game that is based upon a short story I have been writing. Most everyone knows, I’m a fan of the Arthurian tales so for my first games I’m writing a game based on my story about Sir Pitt and the knights of the Kingdom of Bone.this story is about a young stray dog named Pitt who discovers he ius decendant from a legendary pitt bull warrior named, Bone that his kingdom was named for. King Bone was alegendary warrior and defender/savior of his village. Pitt begins the quest for the Holy collar which is the collar of his ancient ancestor, King Bone. Throughout his quest he encounters over knights from other kingdoms who decide to help him and share in the journey to help most do it to honor ther legendary King Bone who is loved by many kingdoms around trhe area. Pitt learns the truye meaaning of helping others and how to be a team and many of the important skills of his ancient descendant.

I intend to write the game in the Ruby prograamming Language and since this Blog is devoted to my love of Ruby so I’ll be adding small lessons about writing games using the Ruby Language as well.

Written on December 30, 2021